Do you ever wonder why your skin very thoroughly with the process up to tens of steps, even spending a lot of money for the care of the skin by modern machinery, but the skin is still not beautiful? Should wash your face with clean water mixed with lemon juice results. So want to use retinol on face, you need to have the metabolism of retinol into retinoic acid. However, here is the step skin care is very easy to conduct the wrong way as so much abuse, or use not the right method of exfoliation to suit each skin type. You can use products body scrubs for professional use or diy facial mask at home. Private epidermis consists of 15-20 layers of cells are divided into 5 groups according to the order from the bottom up: bottom Layer, layer, lesbian, granular layer, transparent layer and the stratum corneum.tretinoin
EXPERIENCE using TRETINOIN of BS JEWEL to have beautiful skin - prevent-acne - anti-aging - Bs Turquoise Role 3rd is to protect the skin from the harm of the external agent. Role 2 is the protection of the authorities below from the attack of UV rays from the sun. The most important role of protective barrier of skin is to help retain water and maintain moisture. When the NMFs impaired function, the skin will lose moisture balance. Exfoliating the right way with the frequency of 2 times/week by products, friendly and gentle with the skin. Next, you need to maintain the frequency of exfoliation from 1-2 times/week. On the packaging of these products have a in the following words: Exfoliate (make peeling dead skin), peel (peeling) and scrub (rub). The acidity of these products is quite high, deep impact and help regenerate the skin from below. Besides strength training, advocacy to help relieve stress due to the difficulties that the disease brings.tretinoin

Acne is a skin disease usually popular, with up to 90% of adolescents sick fish eggs, but only 10% of patients with acne to treat and among them there are a number of cases, difficulties in treatment. In fact, retinol and tretinoin (stronger than retinol) is the common name for Retinoids, they differ only in concentration. Exfoliating helps your skin more beautiful, but you have to know do it the right way? The outermost layer of the epidermis of the skin is the stratum corneum, which contain the cells horny dead (also known as scales, horns). Now also has the equipment radiator for computer. After apply a week no redness, skin peeling, then apply 2 times/day. Benzoyl peroxide: Shape mixture translation, cream or gel 5-10%, apply 1 time per day in the evening. To make exfoliating physics, you can use a facial wash brush or soft sponge massage in a circular motion.tretinoin
Using tretinoin when not separate the bottom scarring effectively? Besides, TXA has a similar structure tyrosinase, from which compete directly into the activity of tyrosinase, which leads to inhibit the formation of melanin pigment on the skin. It works by neutralizing the free radicals in the skin - the roots can cause damage to cells and collagen. Exfoliating physical form particles that can cause injuries that are not normally visible, or some acid in cosmetics exfoliating chemical can cause skin irritation. Exfoliating chemical is conducted by the kind of organic acids or enzymes biology (in papaya, pineapple, pomegranate, cranberry). Enzymes and organic acids will break down, loosen bonds between the dead skin cells to easily remove them. Thanks to the combination between the TXA and the active substance on, Iluma Illuminator serum is suitable use for skin pigmentation in several stages.tretinoin