Disease herniated disc L5 S1 - symptoms and treatment
Rheumatology experts said that the obesity - overweight are at risk for disease herniated disk higher than 12 times compared with average weight. Gender: Men are at risk of a herniated disc of the lumbar spine L5 S1 more than double compared to women. Also with the case of severe illness, nerve pinched, the risk of complications is high, the preservation of above mentioned does not bring the effect your doctor will prescribe only surgery herniated disc. Trauma is one of the causes of a herniated disc L5 S1 fairly popular. Treatment by surgical methods: patients often are indications for surgery if the disease has signs become severe, uncontrolled and appearance of dangerous complications. X-ray: Methods most often be specified with any pathology bone, joints do.thoát vị đĩa đệm l5 s1
In the first stage the disease usually does not cause clinical symptoms. Over time, the intervertebral discs begin to dry out and become more brittle due to the aging process of the body. The lumbar spine consists of 5 vertebrae, in which L5 is burning the last living of the lumbar spine. In that position L5 S1 we are finding out is the last position of lumbar vertebrae (Symbol from L1-L5) and the spine's first vertebra of the same (denoted S1 - S5). Check range of motion: a herniated disc cause mobility of the hips, the waist has dropped significantly. From that makes people feel soreness and numbness at position a leg, or maybe in two side legs. Disorders of sensory, tactile: loss of feeling hot and cold at some of the skin on the body, loss of sensation in head-to-toe. Cause sensory disorders: Disease herniated disc of the lumbar spine L5 S1 can cause a number of sensory nerve pinched.thoát vị đĩa đệm l5 s1
Phenomenon herniated disc can cause pressure on nerves nearby, namely nerve is causing pain spread along the length of the nerve. Meanwhile, S1 is burning, the first bone of the sacrum, just below L5. This group of drugs should be used only briefly and under the supervision of medical staff. Herniated disc l4l5, l5s1 due to excess weight: As mentioned above, location, l4 l5, l5 s1 is viewed as the hinge of the lumbar spine, where nearly suffered the most pressure of body weight. Avoid overweight status, obesity creates pressure on the spine and intervertebral discs, making the situation herniated disc aggravated. Moreover, when the intervertebral disc injury and spill human mucous outside, the structure and balance of the spine will be broken. Accordingly, we can know the location of the intervertebral disc L5 S1 will be the intervertebral discs, located between the lumbar vertebrae L5 (lumbar vertebrae finally) and vertebrae S1 (vertebrae, the first of the sacrum, legs).thoát vị đĩa đệm l5 s1
However, during that time, a herniated disc can cause symptoms on the patient's body, and chosen, they encounter obstacles before joining into the daily activities. Children have the disc contains high water content, this helps vertebrae flexible and not bumping into each other as athletes. This change caused much affect health and reduce the motor function of patients. Treatment with Oriental medicine: as derived from nature, so the effect of the drug Oriental medicine usually not quick. Muscle weakness: Human tissue in the intervertebral discs escape can cause the nerves connected to the affected muscles, muscles become weaker and weaker. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): This method of diagnosis is the result pictures are appreciated, especially with disease herniated disc. So, when choosing this method, the patient should be persistent and use regularly given time.thoát vị đĩa đệm l5 s1
